I usually don't post things terribly personal on my blog as this is the world wide web we're talking about here. Anyway, I feel compelled to share with you our Christmas miracle, albeit one from three years ago. The story begins many years previous... after over four years of marriage and a couple of early miscarriages I wasn't sure motherhood was a prospect for me. During a routine physical exam, my doctor referred me to an infertility specialist thinking some of my physical problems were due to infertility. Months later, my appointment for the specialist finally arrived and during the routine course of the appointment they did a pregnancy test. And yes I was pregnant- but just barely. In fact I was so early that the doctor was able to give me the medication I needed so I wouldn't miscarry this baby too. I was overcome with joy and thanksgiving for this miracle. A few months later I got the horrible call at work that the routine genetic tests came back positive and my baby had a very high risk of being down syndrome. I'm not sure how I made it through the remainder of my workday. Because of that test my doctor began monitoring me closely with numerous ultrasounds. These ultrasounds revealed a few weeks later that my baby wasn't growing very well at all which put me on modified bed rest. Then finally after another ultrasound (the bad kind when the tech leaves the room to get the Dr.) I was informed I no longer had any amniotic fluid and that I had to go right home and stay there until they could arrange for this baby to be born. Sierra was born two weeks later on December 15th. My only concern was that she was healthy. I didn't care about size, hair, even gender at this point. When she was delivered the operating room was eerily quiet. She finally made a little peep and I became completely overwhelmed knowing that a miracle had just occurred. I got to see her little face before they whisked her off to the intensive care nursery. She was placed in an oxygen bubble because her lungs weren't developed sufficiently yet. So for nine days she lay hooked up to all sorts of wire in the neonatal intensive care unit. When we brought her home the day before Christmas Eve we brought home a healthy though tiny baby girl. She has a small hole in her heart and a slightly deformed heart valve but that is it. I can still remember that Christmas day thinking that there was nothing in the entire world more than what I then had that could make Christmas better. Sierra continues to light our lives. She is such a happy girl with a spirit that just shines. The Lord was so gracious in allowing her to come to her family. She just turned three and as Christmas approaches I once again am reminded of what a blessing she is.

she is a sweetheart. and we're so glad we were able to meet her too! hope you all are well and have a happy new year!
I love that story! What a blessing Sierra is and all babies! We love them and love to be mothers don't we! Hope you have a wonderful New Year!
Wow, I am so glad you wrote about this story. What a precious gift from God. You are so blessed to have each other.
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