Tuesday, May 20, 2008

He did it!

Craig got a job!! After many months of unemployment post MBA graduation, we are thrilled with the opportunity for employment. He will be a financial analyst for a software company in Houston. He is excited to be moving back to Texas to the state he loves, though I know he would be even more excited if the job was in the oil/gas industry. He and my brother-in-law are leaving Friday with the U-haul for the trek. We decided driving 4 days with two little ones wasn't such a great idea so I'm flying with the kids next week. It's happened so fast that my mind is just whirling with the things to do- find a place to live (anyone know of a great place in Houston?), pack our stuff, prepare the children, spend time with our families before we move far far away, etc. It's a little overwhelming but I'm happy to be overwhelmed for this. We lived in Houston for two years before he went back to school, and Houston is where I served as a missionary so I am very familiar with the area. Nonetheless, it'll be an adventure I'm sure.
My sickie kids are doing much better- hallelujah! Gideon ended up with RSV (and unfortunately passed it on to his 7 week old cousin) and double ear infections. Sierra's asthma is under control and we are slowly returning to normal life- whatever normal is for us anymore.


Joy said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! That is awesome news. Good luck with your move and all the details that go along with it.

Webster Family said...

Congratulations Forbush family! Yeah for moving to a familiar place! Good luck w/ everything!

Momma Malia said...

hallelujiah is right. no does that mean it's our turn next??

Britta and Julia said...

Congrats Lynette and Craig on finding a job in a good place even though it is far away. Good thing for blogs, huh? I'm glad your kids are getting better.
love Britta

Sheralie said...

uh yeah. would you like to move to our house? you could even harvest the garden . . .

Hannah Stevenson said...

Congrats Lynette and Craig! That is great news...although I was really looking forward to visiting with you this summer...oh well, like Britta said at least we all have blogs! So sorry about the RSV but glad everyone is doing a little better.

Amy & Greg said...

Yessssss!! so glad to hear that you guys have a job. We have been so happy to hear that!! congratulations--especially on moving back to Texas.