Wednesday, April 9, 2008


There are so many moments throughout the day when I am just filled with the joy of motherhood. I love being home with my children! Motherhood was a long time in coming to me and I spent a number of years on the "career track". Perhaps that is why I can honestly say there is nowhere else I would rather be. I've been deeply saddened as I've contemplated returning to that working world again as Craig looks for a job. What would I miss- everything! The other night I was putting the children to bed and I began singing to them and Gideon just bursts out laughing (Craig is the one with the good voice in the family-not me). Well that sent Sierra into fits of giggles, which made Gideon laugh even harder. It was a priceless moment to listen to these two little ones giggle like crazy. I wouldn't trade it for the world.


Britta and Julia said...

I know what you mean Lynette. I love being a mother. I feel bad for those who can't be home with their children(not to be confused with those who choose to not be home with their kids). I think our lives our the greatest with children running around making us giggle. PRICELESS!
Britta :)

Hannah Stevenson said...

I with you Lynette. I have never felt so FULL in my whole life.

Jen Petty said...

I love when kids laugh too. So cute! We sure miss you guys. Elia still asks if Sierra is home when we walk to Sun Creek. So, when are you coming to visit!!!

Amy & Greg said...

Good for you, Lynette. You realize that you are and have been an inspiration to me! Thanks for your post about Plain and Simple. I totally agree--this woman needs the gospel. How blessed we are to have a knowledge of who we are and God's expectations of us--and yes, we can choose it. What a gift. As I read the book, I realized once again how many people are really searching for that understanding. Women (and men) are truly bombarded with mixed messages from the world--besides, it is too hard to even keep up! We are truly blessed!

Dave and Becky said...

What a priceless moment. Isn't it fun to have 2? It's a lot of work of course, but certainly nice in a lot of ways. There are so many things they learn and experience that they just couldn't do if it were only themselves. I am glad you are enjoying the moments. I really enjoyed Elder Ballard's comments about that in Conference. Life's joys are truly in the moments. Sorry Craig is having a hard time on the job front. I know how stressful that is. We wish you all the best. Let us know if we can ever help at all (if nothing else, just a commiserate partner! hee hee). We miss you guys! Good luck with everything.
~The Sattlers