Monday, September 15, 2008

Mighty Ike

The forces of nature are humbling to say the least. From business as usual last week to survival this week, I'm in awe at how quickly this city has changed. I've seen enough since Ike wielded it's fury to reevaluate my 72 hour kit and move food storage at the top of my to do list. We are very very fortunate in that our power wasn't out for even 24 hours (our milk was still fresh). I think that is because we are right across the street from Reliant Center which is the FEMA headquarters. What a blessing to have air conditioning, cold food, lights and a zillion other things we take for granted. We ventured out today and witnessed first hand the empty grocery shelves, the long long lines at gas stations and the devastation of the wind and rain. A scripture has come to my mind throughout this, "O how great is the nothingness of the children of men"


Tyler said...

I am glad you guys are safe and sound. Hope Texas gets back to normal soon...

Christiana Lou said...

I am so glad you posted this because I was worried as I read the news. I thought you might be without power even though you were in Austin for the main storm. YAY!!! My cute niece and nephew are safe and sound. How is the bug situation?

Maile said...

We hope all is well with you. Sounds like everyone is fine, which is the most important thing. Love ya!!!

Hannah Stevenson said...

So true. Wow you have had quite a month Lynette! Glad you are all doing fine.